Get Grilling Survey

Thank you for stopping by to take our survey on the "Get Grilling" email recipe series.

Your feedback is important in helping us make the series of recipes, tips and product recommendations the best it can be.

How do you like the "Get Grilling" Series?

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
First Name*
E-Mail Address
Overall how would you rate the "Get Grilling" recipe series so far?
1 Not What I Expected
2 Ok
3 About Average
4 Really Like It
5 Awesome!
The recipes I am receiving are what I was expecting.
1 Not At All
2 Somewhat
3 They are ok
4 Most are pretty good
5 They are perfect!
My Favorite Recipes are:
1 Shrimp
2 Steak
3 Fish
4 Chicken
5 Vegetables
6 Other
I would love to see more of these type of recipes: (please explain)
I enjoy learning about the product recommendations in the emails:
1 Yes
2 No
3 Either Way
I would like to see more product recommendations.
1 Yes
2 No
I would be most interested in seeing more product recommendations for:
1 Cookbooks
2 Grilling Tools
3 Grills
4 Marinades/Ingredients
5 Other
Other things I would like to see in the email series are:

Please enter the word that you see below.